Blue Aura Computers Builds Powerful Reliable & Custom Computers

Shipping & Order Processing

Building, testing & order fulfillment

We know you want to get your computer as fast as possible. As soon as you place your order we begin working on it immediately the same day the order is placed. Getting orders shipped in a timely manner is very important to us but even more important is that they go through proper testing. We have a 100 point process of building, testing and packaging our systems.

Our current build/testing time is 5 to 7 business days after an order has been placed. Every sale we get is built to order and assembled individually by skilled computer techs. This means you'll be getting the best built computer possible. We strive to get orders fulfilled and shipped out in 5 to 7 business days. Sometimes it can take longer, we guarantee that orders will go out no longer then 15 business days after the order is placed (this is very rare), but the majority of orders typically go out in less then 2 weeks.

Shipping Cost

Shipping is $65 via UPS Ground. We take great care to prepare our orders to make the journey from us to you. We double box our systems and protect them with InstaPak foam so they can handle the trip on a UPS or FedEx truck. We also use electrostatic packaging to ensure the sensative electronics arrive safely. All shipments are fully insured through the carrier. We require adult signature on all deliveries.

Fast Order Fulfillment

Order Fullfillment: 5 to 7 business days (sometimes even sooner!)

Order placed on... It will typically ship out...
Saturday Your order will ship out on Friday, or the following Monday/Tuesday
Sunday Your order will ship out on Friday, or the following Monday/Tuesday
Monday Your order will ship out on Friday, or the following week on Monday/Tuesday
Tuesday Your order will ship out the next week on Tuesday/Wednesday
Wednesday Your order will ship out the next week on Wednesday/Thursday
Thursday Your order will ship out the next week on Thursday/Friday
Friday Your order will ship out the next week on Friday or the following Monday